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Please contact us to check for our prices and availability and with any other queries you may have. Enquiries are best by the form below or direct email please. You can also message me on Facebook. I am often instructing so not always able to answer the phone.



Your Sat Nav or Google Maps should find the house Lafont, also known as Lieu Dit Lafont. However the roads all look similar and the house names are small! Please do not follow the sign for “La Foret”.  There is a small archery sign under the LAFONT sign.

From Saint Martial Viveyrol

With the restaurant “Chez Moran” on your right, head in to the village and take the SECOND LEFT at the WAR MEMORIAL. The only sign here is for two other houses – Le Breuil and Les Garennes. Follow this road for ONE MILE. Pass the sign for LA FORET on your right. LAFONT is the next house on the RIGHT hidden behind a large laurel hedge. If you go too far you will pass a bungalow on your right and end up at the T Junction for Bouteilles.

From Verteillac

With the Boulangerie on your right, head out of Verteillac towards Riberac and after 100metres TURN RIGHT at the school. The main car park wIll be on your RIGHT. At the T Junction TURN LEFT and follow the road for about ONE MILE up the hill. Pass the LEFT TURNING to LUSIGNAC and then turn IMMEDIATELY RIGHT to Saint Martial Viveyrol (If you miss this turning you will end up at Bouteilles – TURN AROUND!). Pass a bungalow on your LEFT and SLOW DOWN. LAFONT is the next house on the LEFT.

From Lusignac

With La Licorne and the church on your RIGHT leave Lusignac and drive for about 3/4 MILE to the T JUNCTION. Turn LEFT and then IMMEDIADETLY RIGHT to Saint Martial Viveyrol. Pass a bungalow on your LEFT and SLOW DOWN. LAFONT is the next house on the LEFT.

1 + 4 =

Contact details

Email or give us a call: Tel: +0044 (0)7870 652215

00 33 6 72 12 71 63


Lafont, 24320 Saint Martial Viveyrol, Dordogne, France

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